Natércia Teixeira is currently a Pos-Doc Researcher at QUINOA-LAQV- REQUIMTE in
In December 2015 she concluded her PhD in Chemistry with the thesis: “Study of prodelphinidins: synthesis, detection, identification and reactivity with anthocyanins.”
Earlier in 2008 she concluded her Master degree in Chemistry, also in the polyphenol sub- area, with the thesis entitled: “Study on the effect of different vinification techniques on wine polyphenolic composition.”
Between 2008 and 2010 she has worked on a FCT/BIIC grant within the subject:
Synthesis, isolation and characterization of polyphenolic pigments.
She has participated in several national and international scientific meetings and workshops and is the co-author of several scientific publications.
She has also been involved in 3 FCT projects: VINOFLAVO-PTDC/AGR-TEC/2227/2012; VINE&WINE residues-PTDC/AGR-TEC/2789/2014; FoodNanoSense-PTDC/AGR- TEC/6547/2014.
She is currently involved in 2 FCT projects: WINPUT: Wine-inspired synthesis of blue pyranoflavyliums for topical Photodynamic Therapy-PTDC/QUI-OUT/29013/2017 and Polyphenols in Art: chemistry and biology hand in hand with conservation of cultural heritage-PTDC/QUI-OUT/29925/2017 of which she is the responsible Co-PI.