Research Projects
"BeTASTy - New Molecular and Cell-based Approaches to assess Food Astringency and Bitterness (ERC 2022)"
"WHEATBIOME: Unravelling the potential of the wheat microbiome for the development of healthier, more sustainable and resilient wheat-derived food & feed products”. Programa HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-09 ref. 101084344"
"whEATit : Putting gluten back on menu(GP/EFSA/ENREL/2022/02)"
"VIIAFOOD - Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação comercial para o AgroAlimentar"
"InsectERA - A ERA da indústria dos insetos"
"Antho.EFlos - Anthocyanin-Rich Edible Flowers: towards an emerging, more sustainable and healthier diet." funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (2022.01014.PTDC). Start & Finish date: 01/01/2023 - 30/06/2024
"MONET: Unravelling Microbiota-gut-brain axis paintings in obesity-associated Neuroinflammation: the blackbErry signaTure study." - PTDC/BAA-AGR/7419/2020 Start & Finish date: 01/03/2021- 29/02/2024.
AGRIFOOD XXI - Development and consolidation of research in the agrifood sector in Northern Portugal. Funding Program. “Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I” - UNorte, Reference: NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-00004. Start & Finish date: 09/2020- 08/2023.
cLabel+: Alimentos inovadores “clean label” naturais, nutritivos e orientados para o consumidor. POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046080
IDT Empresarial: Programas Mobilizadores. Start & Finish date: 01/06/2020 - 31/05/2023.
“NUTRALLERPHEN – Dietary polyphenols as prophylactic agents in food allergies” funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/SAU-NUT/30448/2017). Start & Finish date: 26/07/2018 – 25/07/2022.
"POLY4CD - Natural Polyphenol´s Role in Prevention of Celiac Disease" funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/OCE-ETA/32287/2017). Start & Finish date: 1/07/2018 – 31/07/2022.
“FoodSmarTag – Novel Anthocyanin-Based Smart Sensors for Food Packaging” funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/OCE-ETA/31250/2017). Start & Finish date: 20/10/2018 – 21/04/2022.
UID/QUI/50006/2013 - Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes
“WINPUT – Wine-inspired synthesis of blue pyranoflavyliums for topical Photodynamic Therapy” funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/QUI-OUT/29013/2017). Start & Finish date: 01/06/2018 – 31/05/2021.
"Polyphenols in Art - chemistry and biology hand in hand with conservation of cultural heritage" - PTDC/QUI-OUT/29925/2017. Start & Finish date: 01/07/2018 - 30/06/2021 https://sites.fct.unl.pt/polifenois_em_arte/home
IBERPHENOL – Research cooperative within the scope of polyphenols and its industrial applications.
Ref. 0377_IBERPHENOL_6_E
Funded by the European Fund for Regional Development – INTERREG Spain-Portugal
Duration: 3 years (started in May 2017)
SOLFLAV – Dye Sensitized Solar Cells based on ionic liquids and synthetic flavylium compounds.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/QEQ-QFI/1971/2014). In colaboration with the FCT-UNL (Dr. Fernando Pina).
FOODNANOSENSE – Bio-sensing research on food astringency and bitterness of natural phenolics.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/AGR-TEC/6547/2014). In collaboration with BioMark (Dr. Goreti Sales).
BIOPAD – Bio-inspired synthesis of new classes of anthocyanin derivatives from wines”.
Funding by funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (PTDC/QUI-QUI/117996/2010). 2011-2015.
VINOFLAVO – Red wine flavonoids: bioavailability and biological properties.” funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/AGR-TEC/2227/2012), 2013 to 2015.
VINE&WINE RESIDUES – Unlimited resources of high-value polyphenols for application into Functional Foods.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (PTDC/AGR-TEC/2789/2014). In collaboration with University of Aveiro (Prof. Artur Silva) and FCT-UNL (Prof. Fernando Pina and Doctor Nuno Basílio)
ANTHO4SKIN – New anthocyanin derivatives for technological applications in the cosmetic industry.
Funded by funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT (PTDC/AGR-TEC/3078/2014).
Antioxidant and antiradical characterization of polyphenolic compounds; bioavailability, biological properties and cell signalling.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/QUI/65501/2006). 2009-2011.
New Methodologies to Study the Taste of Foods: Interpretation of Food Astringency.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (PTDC/AGR-ALI/67579/2006). 2007 – 2010.
Reaction Between Catechins and Anthocyanins: Synthesis of new pigments.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PTDC/QUI/67681/2006). 2007 – 2010.
FOOD NEOCOLORS – Synthesis and physical-chemical characterization of new anthocyanin-derived pigments with potential application in the Food Industry.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (PTDC/AGR-ALI/65503/2006). 2007-2010.
Influence of Procyanidin Structures on their Ability to Complex with Anthocyanins - A Molecular Interpretation of Colour.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (POCTI/QUI//40124/2001). 2002-2005.
Study of Grape Procyanidins of Portuguese Vatieties of Vitis vinifera L. and their Incidence on the Poliphenolic Composition of Wine
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (PRAXIS/PCEX/QUI/105/96). 1997-1999.
Member of Projects:
The influence of phenolic compounds on growth and metabolism of wine lactic acid bacteria.
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT POCTI/AGG/40724/2001. 2003-2006.
Institution responsible: Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Univ. Católica).
Red Grapes varieties from the Douro Region: viticultural influences on the aroma and structure of the wines produced.
Funded by Minister of Agriculture (AGRO 313). 2001-2004.
Institution responsible: Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Univ. Católica)
Identification of quality parameters in selected red wine grapes and their respective wines from the Douro demarcated region.
Funded by Minister of Agriculture (PAMAF 6161). 1997-2000.
Institution responsible: Escola Superior de Biotecnologia (Univ. Católica)
Projects in collaboration with Industry
Development of a dry yeast protein extracts for white and red wine finning.
Funded by Agency National for Research (ANI) FCOMP 017687 - Project in collaboration with Proenol – Industria Biotecnológica, S.A. 2016-2018
CorkPlus – Chemical contribution of cork stoppers for the chemical composition and sensorial properties of wines.
Funded by Agency National for Research (ANI) QREN/I & DT / 2016 - Project in collaboration with AMORIM & IRMÃOS, S.A. 2016-2018
Development of new methodologies for the improvement of Pink Port Wine.
Funded by Agency National for Research (ANI) QREN/I & DT - PI/24939/2012 – Project in collaboration with Port wine Gran Cruz company. 2012 – 2014.
Production of new natural colourings and their applications in the Food Industry.
In collaboration with FRULACT
Funded by Minister of Agriculture (AGRO 386). 2003-2006.
Influence of different spirits on the Port Wine quality.
Funded by Minister of Agriculture (AGRO 265). 2001-2004.
In collaboration with the IVDP and Taylor-Fonseca S.A.
Projects funded by Industry
RED – Development of new formulation to stabilize the red colour of strawberry juices.
SUMOL+COMPAL Marcas, S.A. 2015-2017.
Effect of different wine stoppers in the quality of wines
Symington, Vinhos S. A. 2006-2012.
Effect of the addition of commercial tannins in the quality of Old Port Wines.
Symington, Vinhos S. A. 2006-2012.
Cork4Health – Impact of Cork stopper in red wines polyphenol compositon. Funded by APCOR (Associação Portuguesa da Cortiça) and the IR was BIOCANT - Centro de Investigação em Biotecnologia. (2007)
Study of the wine spirits chemical composition and their influence on the quality of fortified wines from the Douro region. (2001).
Lucien Bernard & Cie e Taylor-Fonseca S.A.,
Effect of the addition of tannins in the quality of Port Wines
Symington, Vinhos S. A. 1999.
Investigation of the presence of hybrid grape varieties in wine from the “Região dos Vinhos Verdes” throughout the detection of furaneol. (1996).
Comissão de Vicultura da Região de Vinhos Verdes.
Transnational Joint Projects
A collaborative research and development on novel technologies for stabilizing natural anthocyanin pigments and their applications
Sino-Portuguese Programme of Cooperation in Science & Technology (Ref. 441.00) in collaboration with Wuhan Polytechnic University, P.R. China. - 2014-2016.
Fluorescence properties of red wine polyphenols.
Luso-Italian action (Ref. FCT/CNR), in collaboration with the CNR – Istituto di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara”, Sesto Fiorentino (Florença). 2011-2013
Interaction between anthocyanins and flavanols: Characterization of new pigments and their influence on wine colour.
Luso-Spanish Action E-2/00, in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salamanca (Dr. Celestino Santos Buelga) and the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro (Dr. Artur Silva). 2000/2002.
Study of the pigments resulting from the interaction between anthocyanins and other compounds present in Port Wines.
Luso-Spanish Action E-23/02, in collaboration with the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Salamanca (Dr. Celestino Santos Buelga) and the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro (Dr. Artur Silva). 2002/2004.
Other Projects
Co-autor do projecto aprovado no âmbito do Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (Q.N.2 – O Novo Norte) de Apoio a Infra-estruturas Científicas e Tecnológicas que permitiu dotar a Universidade do Porto de um “Laboratório de Análise Estrutural” através da aquisição de vários equipamentos científicos, tais como: (A) um espectrómetro de RMN-600 MHz; (B) um espectrómetro de RPE de banda X; (C) um espectrómetro de Massa ESI-Q-TOF; (D) um espectrómetro de Massa MALDI-TOF. Referência do projecto: NORTE-01-0162-FEDER-000049. 2013.
Laboratory of LC-Mass Spectrometry
Funded by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT - REEQ/275/QUI/2005.