Perez-Gregorio, is graduated in Food Science and Technology by University of Vigo. She defended her pHD in 2010 at University of Vigo. Her main research area during the pre-doctoral period was the food quality. Thus, her Doctoral Thesis was entitled Effect of postharvest, technologic and culinary treatments in onion flavonoid content. Validation and optimization of analytical methods to quantify phenolic profile in food was the main research line. The development methods, were further employed to study food science and tecnhology factors that may affect the food phenolic composition. Food safety (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons analysis) was another research topic studied by Perez-Gregorio during her stay at University of Vigo.
After thesis defense, Perez-Gregorio started working at Meat Technological Centre. The addition of natural phenolics to meat products to improve their shelf life was the research line developed during the stay.
In 2011,Perez-Gregorio got a fellowship to work in the Service of Synthesis of High Added Value Molecules (IQAC-CSIC). The main research line there falls within the area of biomedical chemistry. As analysis manager, Perez-Gregorio work was focused on the drug purification and characterization. Furthermore, several studies were developed in metabolomic area.
From 2013 to date, Perez-Gregorio have been working at University of Porto. Her work is main focused in the polyphenol-protein interaction area. Perez-Gregorio is currently working in the Influence of natural tannins towards the celiac disease.